- Data Catalogue
- ewsa20_4
- 12
- d01
- crosssections
- 10WE
- 12WE
- 14WE
- 16WE
- 24SN
- 26SN
- 28SN
- 30SN
- 32SN
- maps
- 2mdewpointdepression
- 2mdewpointtemperature
- 2mtemperature
- CAPEratio
- absolutevorticity
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- cape3d
- p700
- p850
- cin3d
- p700
- p850
- cloudfraction
- cloudmaxreflectivity
- cloudprecipitation
- cloudreflectivity
- p200
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- dewpointtemperature
- p500
- p700
- p850
- equivalentpotentialtemperature
- p500
- p700
- p850
- jetstreams
- leveloffreeconvection
- liftingcondensationlevel
- maxCAPE
- mslp
- omega
- p200
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- potentialtemperature
- p500
- p700
- p850
- potentialvorticity
- p200
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- precipitablewater
- precipitationaccumulation6hr
- precipitationaccumulation12hr
- precipitationaccumulation24hr
- radiationfog
- relativehumidity
- p200
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- specifichumidity
- p200
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- temperature
- p500
- p700
- p850
- wetbulbtemperature
- p500
- p700
- p850
- windspeed
- p200
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- profiles
- Biera_MZ
- skewT
- Bloemfontein_SA
- skewT
- Boane_MZ
- skewT
- Chimoio_MZ
- skewT
- Chingola_ZM
- skewT
- Chipata_ZM
- skewT
- Durban_SA
- skewT
- Kitwe_ZM
- skewT
- Lichinga_MZ
- skewT
- Livingstone_ZM
- skewT
- MfuweAirport_ZM
- skewT
- Mongu_ZM
- skewT
- Mpika_ZM
- skewT
- Nampula_MZ
- skewT
- Ndola_ZM
- skewT
- Polokwane_SA
- skewT
- Solwezi_ZM
- skewT
- Tete_MZ
- skewT
- Lusaka_ZM
- skewT
- Mansu_ZM
- skewT
- Katlehong_SA
- Mbula_ZM
- skewT
- Kabwe_ZM
- skewT
- Kasama_ZM
- skewT
- Biera_MZ
- crosssections
- d02
- crosssections
- 10WE
- absolutevorticity
- dewpointtemperature
- equivalentpotentialtemperature
- omega
- potentialtemperature
- reflectivity
- relativehumidity
- specifichumidity
- temperature
- wetbulbpotentialtemperature
- wetbulbtemperature
- wetbulbtemperaturedepression
- 12WE
- absolutevorticity
- dewpointtemperature
- equivalentpotentialtemperature
- omega
- potentialtemperature
- reflectivity
- relativehumidity
- specifichumidity
- temperature
- wetbulbpotentialtemperature
- wetbulbtemperature
- wetbulbtemperaturedepression
- 14WE
- absolutevorticity
- dewpointtemperature
- equivalentpotentialtemperature
- omega
- potentialtemperature
- reflectivity
- relativehumidity
- specifichumidity
- temperature
- wetbulbpotentialtemperature
- wetbulbtemperature
- wetbulbtemperaturedepression
- 16WE
- absolutevorticity
- dewpointtemperature
- equivalentpotentialtemperature
- omega
- potentialtemperature
- reflectivity
- relativehumidity
- specifichumidity
- temperature
- wetbulbpotentialtemperature
- wetbulbtemperature
- wetbulbtemperaturedepression
- 24SN
- absolutevorticity
- dewpointtemperature
- equivalentpotentialtemperature
- omega
- potentialtemperature
- reflectivity
- relativehumidity
- specifichumidity
- temperature
- wetbulbpotentialtemperature
- wetbulbtemperature
- wetbulbtemperaturedepression
- 26SN
- absolutevorticity
- dewpointtemperature
- equivalentpotentialtemperature
- omega
- potentialtemperature
- reflectivity
- relativehumidity
- specifichumidity
- temperature
- wetbulbpotentialtemperature
- wetbulbtemperature
- wetbulbtemperaturedepression
- 28SN
- absolutevorticity
- dewpointtemperature
- equivalentpotentialtemperature
- omega
- potentialtemperature
- reflectivity
- relativehumidity
- specifichumidity
- temperature
- wetbulbpotentialtemperature
- wetbulbtemperature
- wetbulbtemperaturedepression
- 30SN
- absolutevorticity
- dewpointtemperature
- equivalentpotentialtemperature
- omega
- potentialtemperature
- reflectivity
- relativehumidity
- specifichumidity
- temperature
- wetbulbpotentialtemperature
- wetbulbtemperature
- wetbulbtemperaturedepression
- 32SN
- absolutevorticity
- dewpointtemperature
- equivalentpotentialtemperature
- omega
- potentialtemperature
- reflectivity
- relativehumidity
- specifichumidity
- temperature
- wetbulbpotentialtemperature
- wetbulbtemperature
- wetbulbtemperaturedepression
- 10WE
- maps
- 2mdewpointdepression
- 2mdewpointtemperature
- 2mtemperature
- CAPEratio
- absolutevorticity
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- cape3d
- p700
- p850
- cin3d
- p700
- p850
- cloudfraction
- cloudmaxreflectivity
- cloudprecipitation
- cloudreflectivity
- p200
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- dewpointtemperature
- p500
- p700
- p850
- equivalentpotentialtemperature
- p500
- p700
- p850
- jetstreams
- leveloffreeconvection
- liftingcondensationlevel
- maxCAPE
- mslp
- omega
- p200
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- potentialtemperature
- p500
- p700
- p850
- potentialvorticity
- p200
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- precipitablewater
- precipitationaccumulation6hr
- precipitationaccumulation12hr
- precipitationaccumulation24hr
- radiationfog
- relativehumidity
- p200
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- specifichumidity
- p200
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- temperature
- p500
- p700
- p850
- wetbulbtemperature
- p500
- p700
- p850
- windspeed
- p200
- p300
- p500
- p700
- p850
- profiles
- Chingola
- skewT
- Chipata
- skewT
- Kabwe
- skewT
- Kasama
- skewT
- Kitwe
- skewT
- Livingstone
- skewT
- Lusaka
- skewT
- Mansu
- skewT
- Mbula
- MfuweAirport
- skewT
- Mongu
- skewT
- Mpika
- skewT
- Ndola
- skewT
- Solwezi
- skewT
- Bloemfontein_SA
- skewT
- Boane_MZ
- skewT
- Chimoio_MZ
- skewT
- Chingola_ZM
- skewT
- Chipata_ZM
- skewT
- Durban_SA
- skewT
- Kasama_ZM
- skewT
- Kitwe_ZM
- skewT
- Lichinga_MZ
- skewT
- Livingstone_ZM
- skewT
- Lusaka_ZM
- skewT
- Mansu_ZM
- skewT
- Mbula_ZM
- MfuweAirport_ZM
- skewT
- Mongu_ZM
- skewT
- Mpika_ZM
- skewT
- Nampula_MZ
- skewT
- Ndola_ZM
- skewT
- Polokwane_SA
- skewT
- Solwezi_ZM
- skewT
- Tete_MZ
- skewT
- Biera_MZ
- skewT
- Kabwe_ZM
- skewT
- Katlehong_SA
- skewT
- Chingola
- crosssections
- d01
- 12
- ewsa20_4
- Mozambique
- reading
- forecast
- reading
- forecast
- SouthAfrica
- reading
- forecast
- Zambia
- reading
- forecast
- Mozambique
- Mozambique
- IR108combinedmasked
- reading
- IR108enhanced
- reading
- VIS006
- reading
- convectionRGB
- reading
- dustRGB
- reading
- otRGB
- reading
- otenhanced
- reading
- IR108combinedunmasked
- reading
- IR108combinedmasked
- IR108combinedmasked
- reading
- IR108enhanced
- reading
- VIS006
- reading
- convectionRGB
- reading
- dustRGB
- reading
- otRGB
- reading
- otenhanced
- reading
- IR108combinedunmasked
- reading
- IR108combinedmasked
- SouthAfrica
- IR108combinedmasked
- reading
- IR108enhanced
- reading
- VIS006
- reading
- convectionRGB
- reading
- dustRGB
- reading
- otRGB
- reading
- otenhanced
- reading
- IR108combinedunmasked
- reading
- IR108combinedmasked
- Zambia
- IR108combinedmasked
- reading
- IR108enhanced
- reading
- VIS006
- reading
- convectionRGB
- reading
- dustRGB
- reading
- otRGB
- reading
- otenhanced
- reading
- IR108combinedunmasked
- reading
- IR108combinedmasked
- Mozambique
- nwcsaf
- Mozambique
- Probability of gravity waves (IR channel)
- reading
- Probability of gravity waves (WV channel)
- reading
- Probability of tropopause folding
- reading
- Convective initiation probability (next 30 mins)
- reading
- Cloud masks
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud drop effective radius
- reading
- Cloud optical thickness
- reading
- Ice water path
- reading
- Liquid water path
- reading
- Cloud top phase
- reading
- Convective rainfall rate intensity (CRR-Ph)
- reading
- Accumulated convective rainfall rate (CRR)
- 6hour
- reading
- 12hour
- reading
- 24hour
- reading
- 48hour
- reading
- 6hour
- Convective rainfall rate (CRR)
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud type
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud top altitude
- reading
- forecast
- Effective cloudiness
- reading
- Cloud top pressure
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud top temperature
- reading
- High rate winds (cloud motion vectors)
- reading
- Chance of precipitation (PC-Ph)
- reading
- Chance of precipitation (PC)
- reading
- Rapidly developing thunderstorms (RDT)
- reading
- K-Index (iSHAI)
- reading
- Lifted-Index (iSHAI)
- reading
- Showalter Index (iSHAI)
- reading
- Skin temperature
- reading
- Total precipitable water
- reading
- CMA_dust
- reading
- CI_prob60
- reading
- CI_prob90
- reading
- iSHAI_bl
- reading
- iSHAI_hl
- reading
- iSHAI_ml
- reading
- Probability of gravity waves (IR channel)
- Probability of gravity waves (IR channel)
- reading
- Probability of gravity waves (WV channel)
- reading
- Probability of tropopause folding
- reading
- Convective initiation probability (next 30 mins)
- reading
- Cloud masks
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud drop effective radius
- reading
- Cloud optical thickness
- reading
- Ice water path
- reading
- Liquid water path
- reading
- Cloud top phase
- reading
- Convective rainfall rate intensity (CRR-Ph)
- reading
- Accumulated convective rainfall rate (CRR)
- 6hour
- reading
- 12hour
- reading
- 24hour
- reading
- 48hour
- reading
- 6hour
- Convective rainfall rate (CRR)
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud type
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud top altitude
- reading
- forecast
- Effective cloudiness
- reading
- Cloud top pressure
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud top temperature
- reading
- High rate winds (cloud motion vectors)
- reading
- Chance of precipitation (PC-Ph)
- reading
- Chance of precipitation (PC)
- reading
- Rapidly developing thunderstorms (RDT)
- reading
- K-Index (iSHAI)
- reading
- Lifted-Index (iSHAI)
- reading
- Showalter Index (iSHAI)
- reading
- Skin temperature
- reading
- Total precipitable water
- reading
- CI_prob60
- reading
- CI_prob90
- reading
- iSHAI_bl
- reading
- iSHAI_hl
- reading
- iSHAI_ml
- reading
- Probability of gravity waves (IR channel)
- SouthAfrica
- Probability of gravity waves (IR channel)
- reading
- Probability of gravity waves (WV channel)
- reading
- Probability of tropopause folding
- reading
- Convective initiation probability (next 30 mins)
- reading
- Cloud masks
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud drop effective radius
- reading
- Cloud optical thickness
- reading
- Ice water path
- reading
- Liquid water path
- reading
- Cloud top phase
- reading
- Convective rainfall rate intensity (CRR-Ph)
- reading
- Accumulated convective rainfall rate (CRR)
- 6hour
- reading
- 12hour
- reading
- 24hour
- reading
- 48hour
- reading
- 6hour
- Convective rainfall rate (CRR)
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud type
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud top altitude
- reading
- forecast
- Effective cloudiness
- reading
- Cloud top pressure
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud top temperature
- reading
- High rate winds (cloud motion vectors)
- reading
- Chance of precipitation (PC-Ph)
- reading
- Chance of precipitation (PC)
- reading
- Rapidly developing thunderstorms (RDT)
- reading
- K-Index (iSHAI)
- reading
- Lifted-Index (iSHAI)
- reading
- Showalter Index (iSHAI)
- reading
- Skin temperature
- reading
- Total precipitable water
- reading
- CI_prob60
- reading
- CI_prob90
- reading
- iSHAI_bl
- reading
- iSHAI_hl
- reading
- iSHAI_ml
- reading
- Probability of gravity waves (IR channel)
- Zambia
- Probability of gravity waves (IR channel)
- reading
- Probability of gravity waves (WV channel)
- reading
- Probability of tropopause folding
- reading
- Convective initiation probability (next 30 mins)
- reading
- Cloud masks
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud drop effective radius
- reading
- Cloud optical thickness
- reading
- Ice water path
- reading
- Liquid water path
- reading
- Cloud top phase
- reading
- Convective rainfall rate intensity (CRR-Ph)
- reading
- Accumulated convective rainfall rate (CRR)
- 6hour
- reading
- 12hour
- reading
- 24hour
- reading
- 48hour
- reading
- 6hour
- Convective rainfall rate (CRR)
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud type
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud top altitude
- reading
- forecast
- Effective cloudiness
- reading
- Cloud top pressure
- reading
- forecast
- Cloud top temperature
- reading
- High rate winds (cloud motion vectors)
- reading
- Chance of precipitation (PC-Ph)
- reading
- Chance of precipitation (PC)
- reading
- Rapidly developing thunderstorms (RDT)
- reading
- K-Index (iSHAI)
- reading
- Lifted-Index (iSHAI)
- reading
- Showalter Index (iSHAI)
- reading
- Skin temperature
- reading
- Total precipitable water
- reading
- CI_prob60
- reading
- CI_prob90
- reading
- iSHAI_bl
- reading
- iSHAI_hl
- reading
- iSHAI_ml
- reading
- Probability of gravity waves (IR channel)
- Mozambique
- SII-NowNet
- initiation
- observations
- predictions
- intensification
- observations
- predictions
- initiation
- 02:30 + 0h15 (02:45)
- 02:30 + 0h30 (03:00)
- 02:30 + 0h45 (03:15)
- 02:30 + 1h (03:30)
- 02:45 + 0h15 (03:00)
- 02:45 + 0h30 (03:15)
- 02:45 + 0h45 (03:30)
- 02:45 + 1h (03:45)
- 03:00 + 0h15 (03:15)
- 03:00 + 0h30 (03:30)
- 03:00 + 0h45 (03:45)
- 03:00 + 1h (04:00)
- 03:15 + 0h15 (03:30)
- 03:15 + 0h30 (03:45)
- 03:15 + 0h45 (04:00)
- 03:15 + 1h (04:15)
- 03:30 + 0h15 (03:45)
- 03:30 + 0h30 (04:00)
- 03:30 + 0h45 (04:15)
- 03:30 + 1h (04:30)
- 03:45 + 0h15 (04:00)
- 03:45 + 0h30 (04:15)
- 03:45 + 0h45 (04:30)
- 03:45 + 1h (04:45)
- 04:00 + 0h15 (04:15)
- 04:00 + 0h30 (04:30)
- 04:00 + 0h45 (04:45)
- 04:00 + 1h (05:00)
- 04:15 + 0h15 (04:30)
- 04:15 + 0h30 (04:45)
- 04:15 + 0h45 (05:00)
- 04:15 + 1h (05:15)
- 04:30 + 0h15 (04:45)
- 04:30 + 0h30 (05:00)
- 04:30 + 0h45 (05:15)
- 04:30 + 1h (05:30)
- 04:45 + 0h15 (05:00)
- 04:45 + 0h30 (05:15)
- 04:45 + 0h45 (05:30)
- 04:45 + 1h (05:45)
- 05:00 + 0h15 (05:15)
- 05:00 + 0h30 (05:30)
- 05:00 + 0h45 (05:45)
- 05:00 + 1h (06:00)
- 05:45 + 0h15 (06:00)
- 05:45 + 0h30 (06:15)
- 05:45 + 0h45 (06:30)
- 05:45 + 1h (06:45)
- 06:00 + 0h15 (06:15)
- 06:00 + 0h30 (06:30)
- 06:00 + 0h45 (06:45)
- 06:00 + 1h (07:00)
- 06:15 + 0h15 (06:30)
- 06:15 + 0h30 (06:45)
- 06:15 + 0h45 (07:00)
- 06:15 + 1h (07:15)
- 06:30 + 0h15 (06:45)
- 06:30 + 0h30 (07:00)
- 06:30 + 0h45 (07:15)
- 06:30 + 1h (07:30)
- 06:45 + 0h15 (07:00)
- 06:45 + 0h30 (07:15)
- 06:45 + 0h45 (07:30)
- 06:45 + 1h (07:45)
- 07:00 + 0h15 (07:15)
- 07:00 + 0h30 (07:30)
- 07:00 + 0h45 (07:45)
- 07:00 + 1h (08:00)
- 07:15 + 0h15 (07:30)
- 07:15 + 0h30 (07:45)
- 07:15 + 0h45 (08:00)
- 07:15 + 1h (08:15)
- 07:30 + 0h15 (07:45)
- 07:30 + 0h30 (08:00)
- 07:30 + 0h45 (08:15)
- 07:30 + 1h (08:30)
- 07:45 + 0h15 (08:00)
- 07:45 + 0h30 (08:15)
- 07:45 + 0h45 (08:30)
- 07:45 + 1h (08:45)
- 08:00 + 0h15 (08:15)
- 08:00 + 0h30 (08:30)
- 08:00 + 0h45 (08:45)
- 08:00 + 1h (09:00)
- 08:15 + 0h15 (08:30)
- 08:15 + 0h30 (08:45)
- 08:15 + 0h45 (09:00)
- 08:15 + 1h (09:15)
- 08:30 + 0h15 (08:45)
- 08:30 + 0h30 (09:00)
- 08:30 + 0h45 (09:15)
- 08:30 + 1h (09:30)
- 08:45 + 0h15 (09:00)
- 08:45 + 0h30 (09:15)
- 08:45 + 0h45 (09:30)
- 08:45 + 1h (09:45)
- 09:00 + 0h15 (09:15)
- 09:00 + 0h30 (09:30)
- 09:00 + 0h45 (09:45)
- 09:00 + 1h (10:00)
- 09:15 + 0h15 (09:30)
- 09:15 + 0h30 (09:45)
- 09:15 + 0h45 (10:00)
- 09:15 + 1h (10:15)
- 09:30 + 0h15 (09:45)
- 09:30 + 0h30 (10:00)
- 09:30 + 0h45 (10:15)
- 09:30 + 1h (10:30)
- 09:45 + 0h15 (10:00)
- 09:45 + 0h30 (10:15)
- 09:45 + 0h45 (10:30)
- 09:45 + 1h (10:45)
- 10:00 + 0h15 (10:15)
- 10:00 + 0h30 (10:30)
- 10:00 + 0h45 (10:45)
- 10:00 + 1h (11:00)
- 10:15 + 0h15 (10:30)
- 10:15 + 0h30 (10:45)
- 10:15 + 0h45 (11:00)
- 10:15 + 1h (11:15)
- 10:30 + 0h15 (10:45)
- 10:30 + 0h30 (11:00)
- 10:30 + 0h45 (11:15)
- 10:30 + 1h (11:30)
- 10:45 + 0h15 (11:00)
- 10:45 + 0h30 (11:15)
- 10:45 + 0h45 (11:30)
- 10:45 + 1h (11:45)
- 11:00 + 0h15 (11:15)
- 11:00 + 0h30 (11:30)
- 11:00 + 0h45 (11:45)
- 11:00 + 1h (12:00)
- 11:15 + 0h15 (11:30)
- 11:15 + 0h30 (11:45)
- 11:15 + 0h45 (12:00)
- 11:15 + 1h (12:15)
- 11:30 + 0h15 (11:45)
- 11:30 + 0h30 (12:00)
- 11:30 + 0h45 (12:15)
- 11:30 + 1h (12:30)
- 11:45 + 0h15 (12:00)
- 11:45 + 0h30 (12:15)
- 11:45 + 0h45 (12:30)
- 11:45 + 1h (12:45)
- 12:00 + 0h15 (12:15)
- 12:00 + 0h30 (12:30)
- 12:00 + 0h45 (12:45)
- 12:00 + 1h (13:00)
- 12:15 + 0h15 (12:30)
- 12:15 + 0h30 (12:45)
- 12:15 + 0h45 (13:00)
- 12:15 + 1h (13:15)
- 12:30 + 0h15 (12:45)
- 12:30 + 0h30 (13:00)
- 12:30 + 0h45 (13:15)
- 12:30 + 1h (13:30)
- 12:45 + 0h15 (13:00)
- 12:45 + 0h30 (13:15)
- 12:45 + 0h45 (13:30)
- 12:45 + 1h (13:45)
- 13:00 + 0h15 (13:15)
- 13:00 + 0h30 (13:30)
- 13:00 + 0h45 (13:45)
- 13:00 + 1h (14:00)
- 13:15 + 0h15 (13:30)
- 13:15 + 0h30 (13:45)
- 13:15 + 0h45 (14:00)
- 13:15 + 1h (14:15)
- 13:30 + 0h15 (13:45)
- 13:30 + 0h30 (14:00)
- 13:30 + 0h45 (14:15)
- 13:30 + 1h (14:30)
- 13:45 + 0h15 (14:00)
- 13:45 + 0h30 (14:15)
- 13:45 + 0h45 (14:30)
- 13:45 + 1h (14:45)
- 14:00 + 0h15 (14:15)
- 14:00 + 0h30 (14:30)
- 14:00 + 0h45 (14:45)
- 14:00 + 1h (15:00)
- 14:15 + 0h15 (14:30)
- 14:15 + 0h30 (14:45)
- 14:15 + 0h45 (15:00)
- 14:15 + 1h (15:15)
- 14:30 + 0h15 (14:45)
- 14:30 + 0h30 (15:00)
- 14:30 + 0h45 (15:15)
- 14:30 + 1h (15:30)
- 14:45 + 0h15 (15:00)
- 14:45 + 0h30 (15:15)
- 14:45 + 0h45 (15:30)
- 14:45 + 1h (15:45)
- 15:00 + 0h15 (15:15)
- 15:00 + 0h30 (15:30)
- 15:00 + 0h45 (15:45)
- 15:00 + 1h (16:00)
- 15:15 + 0h15 (15:30)
- 15:15 + 0h30 (15:45)
- 15:15 + 0h45 (16:00)
- 15:15 + 1h (16:15)
- 15:30 + 0h15 (15:45)
- 15:30 + 0h30 (16:00)
- 15:30 + 0h45 (16:15)
- 15:30 + 1h (16:30)
- 15:45 + 0h15 (16:00)
- 15:45 + 0h30 (16:15)
- 15:45 + 0h45 (16:30)
- 15:45 + 1h (16:45)
- 16:00 + 0h15 (16:15)
- 16:00 + 0h30 (16:30)
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- 16:00 + 1h (17:00)
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- 16:30 + 0h30 (17:00)
- 16:30 + 0h45 (17:15)
- 16:30 + 1h (17:30)
- 16:45 + 0h15 (17:00)
- 16:45 + 0h30 (17:15)
- 16:45 + 0h45 (17:30)
- 16:45 + 1h (17:45)
- 17:00 + 0h15 (17:15)
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- 17:00 + 1h (18:00)
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- 17:45 + 0h30 (18:15)
- 17:45 + 0h45 (18:30)
- 17:45 + 1h (18:45)
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- 18:15 + 0h45 (19:00)
- 18:15 + 1h (19:15)
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- 18:30 + 0h45 (19:15)
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- 18:45 + 0h30 (19:15)
- 18:45 + 0h45 (19:30)
- 18:45 + 1h (19:45)
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- 19:00 + 1h (20:00)
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- 19:15 + 0h45 (20:00)
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- 19:30 + 0h45 (20:15)
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- 19:45 + 0h30 (20:15)
- 19:45 + 0h45 (20:30)
- 19:45 + 1h (20:45)
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- 20:00 + 1h (21:00)